How Many People Do You Want to Help?

For most people in the helping professions, the answer to that question is probably all of them or as many as I can.  Unfortunately, time does not allow you to help everyone, and you could probably be helping more people than you are.  So why aren’t you doing it?   

There are two typical answers to that question.  The first is I don’t know how to get in touch with a lot of people.  And the second is I don’t want to have to, or I don’t know how to, sell my services to the people with whom I do talk.

Here are five things to consider, when you think about helping more people take advantage of your services:

  • Selling IS helping, when it’s done correctly. Sales is not about getting people to do what you want them to do, or even what you think they should do! It’s about helping them do what they want to do.

  • Be a detective! Your prospective practice member or client knows exactly what he or she wants…and you have no idea! Never assume that everyone wants your care or your services, even if they might profit from them. Ask rather than tell. Ask tons of open-ended questions, and you will find out who your ideal prospects are, and who they aren’t.

  • You cannot sell to everyone with whom you talk. And really you don’t want to. So, don’t even try! Pick and choose the people with whom you really want to work. They need to meet certain criteria to be ideal practice members or clients. They must desire change in their situations, want help making those changes, and be willing to invest their time, their energy, and their money to bring those changes about. If they lack even one of those commitments, they are NOT your ideal clients!

  • In your sales and marketing efforts, look for the people who are looking for you! You don’t have to be the jackass whisperer. If people don’t see value in the care or service you provide, it’s not your job to convince them that there’s value in it. There are more than enough people in your town, state, country, or the world who are looking for you and the value you provide. Connect with them and sell to them!

  • ASK!!! Stop allowing fear to keep you from asking for appointments, asking for commitments, asking for sales, and asking for referrals. Jesus of Nazareth said, “Ask and you shall receive.” That’s absolutely true, and the opposite is also true! If you don’t ask, you don’t receive! So, if you want to help more people, ASK them to talk with you, to trust you to help, and to refer you to others.

If you want to build your sales skills, increase your self-confidence, and make more sales and more revenue, schedule a sales strategy session with a Sales Wizard at  You’ll get some terrific ideas and strategies you can put into action right away to increase your sales.  There’s no charge, no obligation, and no pressure.  It’s just a fun, friendly conversation!



Using Your Goals To Build Your Business Plan